FROM THE PBS SERIES, NOVA: The Fabric of the Cosmos is a four part documentary that explores the fundamental properties of physics, why things happen in the universe the way they happen, and why they are the way they are.
What Is Space
Episode 1
Episode 1
Episode one of this series examines the true nature of nothingness, and how science has, in certain circumstances, come up with ways to measure the warping and twisting of what was recently considered empty space.
The Illusion of Time
Episode 2
Episode 2
Episode two of this series discuses the difference between how people perceive the passage of time here on the planet, how it's perceived over vast distances, and how physics tells us it works—or should be able to work—on a universal scale.
Quantum Leap
Episode 3
Episode 3
Episode three of this series explores the uncertainty of the extremely small sub-atomic world, and why, when this tiny matter's put together to make something larger like a person, it doesn't behave in the same seemingly chaotic manner.
Universe or Multiverse
Episode 4
Episode 4
Episode four of this series discusses the idea that our universes is only one of an ever-growing number of universes, and that eventually, with the limited number of physical laws that can govern a universe, ours must be repeated atom for atom and person for person.
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