A FIVE PART BBC SERIES: How Earth Made Us examines the forces on and within our planet which have allowed us to survive, thrive, and prosper against the vast assortment of climates and barriers the Earth has challenged us with.
Episode 1
Episode 1
Episode one of this series explores the cyclonic conveyance of water around the planet, what causes certain areas to experience a lack or abundance of fresh water, and how this seemingly endless resource has manipulated the progress of civilized growth throughout the ages.
Deep Earth
Episode 2
Episode 2
Episode two of this series discuses the relationship between areas where civilizations choose to take root, the fault lines and volcanic regions that generally surround them, and the naturally occurring resource-rich fallout which attracts us to these potentially and often hazardous locations in the first place.
Episode 3
Episode 3
Episode three of this series explains the winds, weather patterns, and jet-streams circling our planet, how slight changes in their influence create torrential rains in certain areas and droughts in others, and how Christopher Columbus unwittingly utilized these forces while navigating the perimeter of the Atlantic.
Episode 4
Episode 4
Episode four of this series discuses mankind's discovery and dependance on fire, and how, from the first of our early ancestors who might have re-breathed life into a pile of hot embers leftover from a wildfire, we managed to transport, to our extreme benefit, the sun's energy to the dark side of the planet.
Human Planet
Episode 5
Episode 5
Episode five of this series explores how we, as an independent force outside of nature, have been changing the geography and Earth-systems of the planet to suite our own environmental needs and desires, while examining some of the detrimental and/or beneficial impacts we've created thus far.
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